Takeda at ESMO (Reynald Castaneda for Endpoints News)

Heard at #ES­MO23: No­var­tis and BeiGene fall­out; Now I know my AD­Cs; and a stand­ing ova­tion

MADRID — Over 31,000 peo­ple de­scend­ed up­on Madrid’s IFE­MA con­ven­tion cen­ter — host to the city’s bian­nu­al Fash­ion Week as well as the 2022 NA­TO Sum­mit — for the year’s sec­ond-largest can­cer con­fer­ence.

The Eu­ro­pean So­ci­ety for Med­ical On­col­o­gy’s pre­mier con­gress be­gan with a chaot­ic scram­ble, as ES­MO re­leased late-break­ing ab­stracts sev­er­al days ear­ly af­ter an em­bar­go breach. Madrid had heavy rain some days dur­ing the con­fer­ence, with some del­e­gates wish­ing they packed gum­boots and rain­coats.

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