Cameron Durrant, Humanigen CEO (Columbia University Technology Ventures via YouTube)

Hu­mani­gen mo­men­tum barges on as Covid-19 can­di­date is se­lect­ed for NI­AID tri­al

One of “Phar­ma Bro” Mar­tin Shkre­li’s for­mer biotechs came back from the dead dur­ing the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic thanks to its drug can­di­date tar­get­ing cy­tokine storms. Now, that com­pa­ny has scored it­self a place in a NI­AID-spon­sored tri­al.

Hu­mani­gen $HGEN, trad­ing for 46 cents per share as re­cent­ly as mid-March, an­nounced Mon­day af­ter­noon that its lenzilum­ab will be test­ed in com­bi­na­tion with remde­sivir in NI­AID’s Big Ef­fect Tri­al, ef­fec­tive­ly cat­e­go­riz­ing it as a high-pri­or­i­ty Covid-19 ther­a­peu­tic can­di­date. The drug com­bo will be test­ed against remde­sivir, a broad-spec­trum an­tivi­ral that has shown in ear­ly stud­ies to treat some symp­toms of Covid-19, and a place­bo.

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