Hunt­ing an ear­ly FDA OK, Igny­ta surges on promis­ing snap­shot of lung can­cer da­ta

Shares of Igny­ta $RXDX erupt­ed this morn­ing af­ter the biotech re­port­ed that its care­ful­ly cal­i­brat­ed ap­proach to non-small cell lung can­cer had paid off with some promis­ing pre­lim­i­nary da­ta.

Igny­ta and Loxo $LOXO have both dis­tin­guished them­selves by tak­ing a tu­mor-ag­nos­tic ap­proach to can­cer drug de­vel­op­ment, fo­cus­ing on a spe­cif­ic ge­net­ic mu­ta­tion that dri­ves can­cer. In the lat­est up­date, in­ves­ti­ga­tors for the com­pa­ny say that their drug en­trec­tinib — which tar­gets ROS1 fu­sion genes that dri­ve a thin slice of all NSCLC cas­es — achieved a 69% over­all re­sponse rate for lung can­cer con­firmed by in­de­pen­dent ob­servers. And the me­di­an pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival rate was 29.6 months.

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