Idera shares slide on PhII fail­ure; WuXi blue­prints $60M man­u­fac­tur­ing cen­ter in Worces­ter, MA

→ Shares of Idera Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals $IDRA were ham­mered ear­ly to­day af­ter the biotech re­port­ed that their Phase II clin­i­cal tri­al of IMO-8400 in adult pa­tients with der­mato­myosi­tis failed. The study re­cruit­ed on­ly 30 pa­tients, di­vid­ing them in­to one of three dosage groups for up to 24 weeks. The stock ini­tial­ly plunged close to 30%, but then pulled back from the brink, down about 12% in ear­ly trad­ing.

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