Mark Enyedy, ImmunoGen CEO

Im­muno­Gen push­es read­out of rare blood can­cer tri­al to 2024

While Im­muno­Gen has an up­com­ing de­ci­sion date with the FDA for its lead ovar­i­an can­cer drug in No­vem­ber, the an­ti­body drug con­ju­gate-fo­cused biotech re­port­ed this morn­ing that the FDA pushed back on one of its oth­er pro­grams.

In its Q1 re­port, Im­muno­Gen had said that it would give a topline read­out from the CA­DEN­ZA study on pivekimab in blas­tic plas­ma­cy­toid den­drit­ic cell neo­plasm, or BPD­CN, a rare form of blood can­cer, pri­or to the end of the year. How­ev­er, af­ter meet­ing with the FDA, Im­muno­Gen said that it will be split­ting the study pa­tients in­to two groups — those for which BPD­CN is their first can­cer, and those who have had or cur­rent­ly have oth­er blood can­cers. (In more jar­gony terms, de no­vo pa­tients and pri­or or con­comi­tant hema­to­log­ic ma­lig­nan­cy (PCHM) pa­tients.)

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