In a show­down with As­traZeneca, Pfiz­er posts sol­id — and very fa­mil­iar — PhI­II breast can­cer da­ta for ta­la­zoparib

Pfiz­er $PFE came through with pos­i­tive num­bers for its Phase III study of its PARP in­hibitor ta­la­zoparib in ad­vanced breast can­cer — lin­ing up right along­side As­traZeneca’s $AZN lead­ing ri­val Lyn­parza. And the re­sults po­si­tion Pfiz­er to join the PARP line­up as the fourth play­er to toe up to the mar­ket thresh­old — though maybe not in the lead po­si­tion it was promised when the phar­ma gi­ant bought the drug last year.

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