Jacqueline Shea, Inovio CEO

In­ovio’s decades of shift­ing ex­tends to way­ward win­ter in pipeline, work­force thin­ning 

For more than four decades, In­ovio has at­tempt­ed to cre­ate med­i­cines and vac­cines for can­cer and in­fec­tious dis­ease. It’s been a long-stand­ing bat­tle yet to come to fruition, with an­oth­er round of pipeline re­fin­ing and lay­offs in 2023.

The Penn­syl­va­nia biotech put out word Tues­day morn­ing it will let go of 11% of its work­ers, or about two dozen peo­ple, and fo­cus its DNA med­i­cines de­vel­op­ment on HPV-as­so­ci­at­ed dis­eases, with two tri­al read­outs ex­pect­ed this quar­ter.

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