In­s­med's an­ti-in­flam­ma­to­ry drug wins break­through sta­tus; Ky­owa Kirin backs new fund from 4BIO Cap­i­tal

→ A mixed mid-stage read­out of In­smed‘s an­ti-in­flam­ma­to­ry drug, INS1007, read more like a win giv­en the low ex­pec­ta­tions for the tri­al back in Feb­ru­ary. Now, the FDA has stamped the drug with a vote of con­fi­dence, grant­i­ng it break­through ther­a­py sta­tus for the treat­ment of adult pa­tients with non-cys­tic fi­bro­sis bronchiec­ta­sis for re­duc­ing ex­ac­er­ba­tions. The drug, now chris­tened brenso­cat­ib, is an oral, re­versible in­hibitor of dipep­tidyl pep­ti­dase 1 (DPP1).

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