Is­raeli phar­ma touts PhI­II for pre­ma­ture in­fant in­testi­nal mal­a­dy; No­var­tis backs a British biotech's Se­ries B

An Is­raeli phar­ma com­pa­ny tout­ed a Phase III win ear­ly Wednes­day, a path it says will take it hurtling to­ward an­oth­er piv­otal study lat­er this year.

El­gan Phar­ma said the Phase III for its in­sulin for­mu­la­tion to treat in­testi­nal mal­ab­sorp­tion, which caus­es feed­ing in­tol­er­ance in pre­ma­ture in­fants, hit sta­tis­ti­cal sig­nif­i­cance in its pri­ma­ry end­point. The com­pa­ny had been aim­ing to mea­sure whether the in­fants could in­take at least 150 ml/kg/day of food for 3 con­sec­u­tive days at a sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er rate than place­bo.

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