J&J leads a $25M A round for can­cer start­up; BMJ frets about Trump’s im­pact on the sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty

• J&J In­no­va­tion has led a $25 mil­lion start­up round for Fu­sion Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals. The Cana­di­an biotech is work­ing on tar­get­ed al­pha-par­ti­cle emit­ting ra­dio­ther­a­peu­tics which com­bine “the pre­ci­sion of mol­e­c­u­lar tar­get­ing agents, such as an­ti­bod­ies with the po­ten­cy of al­pha-par­ti­cle emit­ting ra­dioiso­topes to specif­i­cal­ly at­tack and erad­i­cate can­cer cells.” The com­pa­ny is a spin­out from Mc­Mas­ter Uni­ver­si­ty in On­tario. “Tar­get­ed de­liv­ery of med­ical iso­topes that emit al­pha par­ti­cles can be used to kill tu­mor cells with re­mark­able pre­ci­sion and un­prece­dent­ed po­ten­cy, and it has the added po­ten­tial of hav­ing com­ple­men­tary ef­fects with treat­ments which ac­ti­vate the im­mune sys­tem,” said Dr. John Val­liant, CEO.

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