J&J’s Janssen takes doc­tors ‘be­yond the text­book’ to teach about pso­ri­a­sis in peo­ple of col­or

John­son & John­son’s Janssen is tack­ling health in­equity in pso­ri­a­sis with a new dig­i­tal text­book. Aimed at der­ma­tol­o­gists, rheuma­tol­o­gists (who see re­lat­ed cas­es of pso­ri­at­ic arthri­tis) and med­ical stu­dents, “Be­yond the Text­book” of­fers prac­ti­cal help, in­clud­ing pho­tographs and symp­tom dif­fer­ences.

The primer al­so lays out sys­temic health in­equities for peo­ple of col­or, their pa­tient ex­pe­ri­ences and best prac­tices to help physi­cians be in­clu­sive and em­pa­thet­ic. It al­so ad­dress­es the in­ad­e­quate train­ing that leads to a lack of pso­ri­a­sis di­ag­noses for peo­ple of col­or. A sur­vey of der­ma­tol­o­gist res­i­dents in­clud­ed in the book notes that 75% said their res­i­den­cy pro­grams didn’t have any lec­tures ad­dress­ing skin of col­or.

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