Keytru­da keeps ex­pand­ing with an­oth­er pri­or­i­ty re­view; Medicxi-backed eye drop mak­er wins new fund­ing, re­gion­al deal

As Mer­ck con­tin­ues to chop away at a path to ear­li­er lines of can­cer treat­ment for Keytru­da, the FDA is of­fer­ing a hand.

The agency has grant­ed pri­or­i­ty re­view for the PD-1 star as an ad­ju­vant ther­a­py in cer­tain pa­tients with re­nal cell car­ci­no­ma — which, if ap­proved, would mark the lat­est in a streak of la­bel ex­pan­sions.

Specif­i­cal­ly, it would be tar­get­ing pa­tients who have in­ter­me­di­ate-high or high risk of re­cur­rence even af­ter sur­gi­cal re­moval of a kid­ney, or fol­low­ing nephrec­to­my and re­sec­tion of metasta­t­ic le­sions.

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