Ku­ra shares soar on pos­i­tive PhII can­cer da­ta; M&A buzz re­volves back to As­traZeneca

⇨ In­vestors are in an en­thu­si­as­tic mood when it comes to any­thing that looks pos­i­tive on the can­cer drug de­vel­op­ment side of things. To­day Ku­ra On­col­o­gy ben­e­fit­ed from that ex­u­ber­ance, with its stock price up 70% this morn­ing af­ter the biotech re­port­ed that its can­cer drug tip­i­farnib hit the pri­ma­ry end­point in a Phase II tri­al. The tri­al pro­to­col re­quires four con­firmed, par­tial re­spons­es, per RE­CIST 1.1 cri­te­ria, out of 18 pa­tients to meet its pri­ma­ry end­point. “We have ob­served rapid and, in some cas­es, dra­mat­ic re­spons­es in pa­tients with re­lapsed and/or re­frac­to­ry HN­SCC who do not ap­pear to ben­e­fit from oth­er ther­a­pies,” said An­to­nio Gual­ber­to, the CMO at Ku­ra.

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