Ku­ra’s $150M PIPE; Lil­ly’s in­vest­ment in Prism Bi­o­Lab; An­no­vis de­lays PhI­II da­ta, cit­ing ‘da­ta clean­ing’

Plus, news about IMU Bio­sciences, ZWI Ther­a­peu­tics and Sagimet Bio­sciences:

Ku­ra On­col­o­gy’s $150M PIPE: The biotech is rais­ing funds from a stock sale to its ex­ist­ing in­vestors, in­clud­ing EcoR1 Cap­i­tal, an af­fil­i­ate of Deer­field Man­age­ment and Su­vret­ta Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment. It’s sell­ing at $17.25 a share, a 29% pre­mi­um to Ku­ra’s clos­ing price on Tues­day. The news sent the San Diego biotech’s stock $KU­RA up near­ly 50% Wednes­day morn­ing. The $150 mil­lion will like­ly ex­tend Ku­ra’s run­way out to 2027. The com­pa­ny ex­pects to share da­ta next week from a com­bi­na­tion study of its lead can­di­date, ziftomenib, in acute myeloid leukemia. — Lei Lei Wu

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