Leg­end signs $100M deal with No­var­tis for next CAR-T bets, fol­low­ing up on Janssen suc­cess

Leg­end Biotech, which came to the fore in cell ther­a­py when John­son & John­son took a ma­jor bet in 2017 on what would be­come Carvyk­ti, has found an­oth­er Big Phar­ma part­ner for its CAR-T pipeline. It’s go­ing with No­var­tis, the mak­er of the first FDA-ap­proved CAR-T.

No­var­tis will pay the New Jer­sey-based biotech $100 mil­lion up­front in ex­change for the ex­clu­sive glob­al li­cense to cer­tain CAR-T cell ther­a­pies that go af­ter delta-like lig­and pro­tein 3, or DLL3. The pact in­cludes Leg­end’s re­cent­ly ini­ti­at­ed Phase I of small cell lung can­cer and large cell neu­roen­docrine car­ci­no­ma can­di­date LB2102.

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