Let the joust­ing be­gin: Which top bio­phar­ma com­pa­nies are look­ing to make a splash at ASH?

Any­one who fol­lows on­col­o­gy knows the field has at­tract­ed so much at­ten­tion and re­search mon­ey that it sparks a con­tin­u­al erup­tion of bio­phar­ma news as com­pa­nies joust over block­buster mar­kets. That’s kept me busy this year with a string of glob­al con­fabs — as AS­CO be­comes just one big event in a fren­zied com­pe­ti­tion.

So now I’ll be at­tend­ing ASH in At­lanta in ear­ly De­cem­ber for the first time. What’s on my radar? I turned to Leerink to­day for some sug­ges­tions, and boiled them down here.

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