Lig­and pays $30M up­front in roy­al­ty deal; Ac­tym ex­tends its Se­ries A; Gero rais­es $6M

Lig­and ac­quires par­tial roy­al­ty rights to epilep­sy can­di­date: Lig­and said Wednes­day that it’s pay­ing $30 mil­lion up­front to Ovid Ther­a­peu­tics as part of a deal to ac­quire 13% of roy­al­ties and mile­stones for soti­cle­stat, which is cur­rent­ly in Phase III tri­als for two types of epilep­sy: Lennox-Gas­taut syn­drome and Dravet syn­drome. Back in 2021, Ovid sold the soti­cle­stat rights to Take­da for $196 mil­lion up­front, $660 mil­lion in mile­stones, and tiered roy­al­ties. Ovid now ex­pects its cash to last in­to 2026.

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