Like Mod­er­na, pan­dem­ic peers Pfiz­er and BioN­Tech head to PhI­II with Covid/flu com­bo jab

Just like Mod­er­na an­nounced a few weeks ago, Pfiz­er and BioN­Tech said they will al­so head to Phase III “in the com­ing months” for a Covid-19/flu com­bi­na­tion vac­cine, the duo dis­closed Thurs­day morn­ing.

In a near­ly 1,000-per­son Phase I/II study, their in­ves­ti­ga­tion­al mR­NA-based com­bi­na­tion vac­cine was able to drum up “ro­bust im­mune re­spons­es” to var­i­ous strains of in­fluen­za and SARS-CoV-2 com­pared to a li­censed flu shot and their Omi­cron BA.4/BA.5 bi­va­lent jab. The safe­ty was “con­sis­tent” with their Covid jab, the com­pa­nies said.

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