Lil­ly and In­novent look to bring their an­ti-PD-1 from Chi­na to the US; Mer­ck KGaA names new EMD Serono pres­i­dent

Af­ter win­ning two reg­u­la­to­ry ap­provals in Chi­na for a PD-1 in­hibitor, Eli Lil­ly and In­novent are look­ing to bring the drug to the US.

The pair sub­mit­ted their BLA for sin­til­imab, brand­ed as Tyvyt in Chi­na, in com­bi­na­tion with peme­trexed and plat­inum chemo on Tues­day for the first-line treat­ment on non­squa­mous NSCLC. The ap­pli­ca­tion comes on the heels of a Phase III tri­al where pa­tients in the drug arm saw a me­di­an pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival of 8.9 months, as op­posed to just five months among those tak­ing the place­bo.

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