With biggest weight loss da­ta in hand, Eli Lil­ly races to start trio of PhI­II tri­als for its ‘triple-G’ can­di­date next month

Eli Lil­ly is revving the en­gines for the next stage of the weight loss drug rev­o­lu­tion with a trio of large Phase III stud­ies set to be­gin Aug. 7, per re­cent up­dates to the fed­er­al clin­i­cal tri­als data­base.

The stud­ies will in­ves­ti­gate whether Lil­ly’s so-called “triple-G” drug re­ta­tru­tide can repli­cate the eye-pop­ping re­sults re­port­ed last month from a mid-stage tri­al, show­ing about 24% weight re­duc­tion among a sub­set of pa­tients in a 338-per­son tri­al af­ter near­ly a year of treat­ment. That’s the most dra­mat­ic weight loss da­ta the in­dus­try has seen out of a class of drugs that aims to curb ap­petite.

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