Long term da­ta echo safe­ty pro­file of Gilead, Gala­pagos' po­ten­tial block­buster JAK in­hibitor

Ab­b­Vie’s land­mark FDA ap­proval for its po­ten­tial block­buster upadac­i­tinib — the re­place­ment for its cash cow Hu­mi­ra — came with a dread­ed black box warn­ing. Fil­go­tinib, Gilead and Gala­pa­gos’ ri­val JAK drug, is be­ing primed for US re­view but in­vestors are ner­vous it too will suf­fer the same fate. On Fri­day, the com­pa­nies said 52-week da­ta from twin late-stage stud­ies re­in­forced the safe­ty, tol­er­a­bil­i­ty and ef­fi­ca­cy pro­file of the drug.

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