Lupin is prep­ping a $1B US deal spree; Pro­tag­o­nist rais­ing $60M for tri­al work

→  Com­ing off of a $150 mil­lion deal to buy Sym­bio­mix, Mum­bai-based Lupin says it’s plan­ning a $1 bil­lion deal spree aimed at build­ing a women’s health group in the US.

→ Pro­tag­o­nist Ther­a­peu­tics $PT­GX is rais­ing $60 mil­lion through a pri­vate of­fer­ing. The mon­ey will be ear­marked for its clin­i­cal work on three drug can­di­dates: PTG-100, PTG-200, and PTG-300.

→ As­traZeneca spin­off En­ta­sis has bagged its sec­ond CARB-X award for its work on new an­tibi­otics. The Waltham, MA-based biotech gets $3.8 mil­lion ini­tial­ly plus a shot at an­oth­er $6.3 mil­lion.

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