Macro­Gen­ics gets $15M from Gilead; Zenas, Bris­tol My­ers sign li­cens­ing deal in Asia-Pa­cif­ic

Macro­Gen­ics is set to re­ceive a $15 mil­lion mile­stone pay­ment from Gilead, which is us­ing the com­pa­ny’s two bis­pe­cif­ic an­ti­body plat­forms in a re­search pro­gram. The pro­gram will be led by Macro­Gen­ics and fund­ed by Gilead.

The orig­i­nal part­ner­ship was struck in Oc­to­ber 2022. Macro­Gen­ics is still en­ti­tled to re­ceive up to $1.7 bil­lion from the deal. The part­ner­ship al­so cov­ers Macro­Gen­ics’ CD123- and CD3-tar­get­ing bis­pe­cif­ic an­ti­body MGD024 and two oth­er bis­pe­cif­ic re­search as­sets. — An­na Brown

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