Mer­ck scores an­oth­er win for King Keytru­da, this time in HER2-neg­a­tive can­cer

Mer­ck’s an­ti-PD1 on­col­o­gy megablock­buster Keytru­da is plan­ning on adding an­oth­er in­di­ca­tion to its ar­ray, tout­ing a Phase III win in its march to reg­u­la­tors.

Mer­ck put out word Tues­day that one of its Phase III tri­als, KEYNOTE-859, nailed the pri­ma­ry end­point of over­all sur­vival in pa­tients with a spe­cif­ic type of HER2-neg­a­tive ade­no­car­ci­no­ma. Keytru­da com­bined with chemother­a­py beat out chemo at a pre-de­ter­mined in­ter­im analy­sis. Mer­ck added that sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant and clin­i­cal­ly mean­ing­ful im­prove­ments in PFS and ORR were al­so ob­served.

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