Mi­rati and Am­gen un­wrap new KRAS tri­al da­ta, set­ting the stage for po­ten­tial com­bo treat­ments: #ES­MO23

MADRID — While suc­cess­ful in tar­get­ing one of the most elu­sive can­cer dri­vers, KRAS in­hibitors have failed to gen­er­ate huge up­take by them­selves. The com­pa­nies that have brought them to mar­ket are now un­veil­ing da­ta sug­gest­ing they could be used in com­bi­na­tion with oth­er drugs to make them more ef­fec­tive.

Over the week­end at the Eu­ro­pean So­ci­ety for Med­ical On­col­o­gy’s an­nu­al meet­ing, Am­gen and Mi­rati both shared da­ta from com­bi­na­tions of their KRAS drugs with oth­er med­i­cines that are used for col­orec­tal and lung can­cers.

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