Mod­er­na's up­dat­ed Covid vac­cine like­ly pro­vides pro­tec­tion against new vari­ants, but up­take re­mains un­cer­tain

Mod­er­na said that pre­lim­i­nary da­ta in hu­mans on its up­dat­ed Covid-19 vac­cine sug­gest it would be ef­fec­tive against vari­ants that are ex­pect­ed to cir­cu­late this fall.

While Mod­er­na did not share specifics about the re­sults in its Thurs­day evening re­lease, it said that its up­dat­ed vac­cine sig­nif­i­cant­ly boost­ed neu­tral­iz­ing an­ti­bod­ies against two vari­ants — Eris, or EG.5, a dom­i­nant vari­ant in the US, and For­nax, or FL.1.5.1, an­oth­er rapid­ly ris­ing vari­ant.

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