No­var­tis spin­off Nabri­va fi­nal­ly scores its first an­tibi­ot­ic ap­proval

In May, Nabri­va Ther­a­peu­tics suf­fered a set­back af­ter the FDA re­ject­ed its an­tibi­ot­ic for com­pli­cat­ed uri­nary tract in­fec­tions — the No­var­tis spin­off has now had some bet­ter luck with the US agency, which on Mon­day ap­proved its oth­er drug for com­mu­ni­ty-ac­quired bac­te­r­i­al pneu­mo­nia.

The drug, lefa­mulin, has been de­vel­oped as an in­tra­venous and oral for­mu­la­tion and been test­ed in two late-stage clin­i­cal tri­als. The se­mi-syn­thet­ic com­pound, whose dos­ing can be switched be­tween the two for­mu­la­tions, is en­gi­neered to in­hib­it the syn­the­sis of bac­te­r­i­al pro­tein by bind­ing to a part of the bac­te­r­i­al ri­bo­some.

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