Julie Gerberding (Merck)

NIH foun­da­tion taps top Mer­ck ex­ec — and oft-cit­ed woman of the year — Julie Ger­berd­ing to steer pub­lic-pri­vate R&D ini­tia­tive

The Foun­da­tion for the NIH has turned to a promi­nent Big Phar­ma ex­ec to take the helm, where she will take charge of some key pub­lic-pri­vate re­search part­ner­ships with in­dus­try. And she comes with a blue chip ré­sumé for her in­volve­ment in some ma­jor pub­lic health ini­tia­tives over the decade.

For­mer CDC di­rec­tor, for­mer Mer­ck vac­cines chief and cur­rent chief pa­tient of­fi­cer Julie Ger­berd­ing has been tapped for the lead po­si­tion at the FNIH, which played a sig­nif­i­cant sup­port role in de­vel­op­ing vac­cines and ther­a­pies for Covid-19. And the foun­da­tion ap­pears to be on the verge of gain­ing a big­ger — much big­ger — al­lo­ca­tion for its work steer­ing some of the top pub­lic-pri­vate al­liances in drug and vac­cine de­vel­op­ment.

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