No­var­tis chips in $10M for IPO-bound part­ner Pli­ant; Tenax shares soar on heart drug da­ta

No­var­tis is com­ing in with $10 mil­lion to help sup­port the loom­ing IPO of a part­ner. Pli­ant Ther­a­peu­tics post­ed a new fil­ing with the SEC show­ing that No­var­tis is buy­ing the shares at $15, the mid-point of the range. It’s adding sev­er­al mil­lion shares to the of­fer­ing, bring­ing the to­tal to around $135 mil­lion. Biotech com­pa­nies have been en­joy­ing quite a run on vir­tu­al Wall Street, with in­vestors boost­ing new of­fer­ings to some big hauls.

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