No­var­tis' biotech part­ner ad­mits PhI­II Covid-19 de­feat for stem cell ther­a­py, trig­ger­ing ex­ten­sion of $1.2B+ deal close

The lat­est cell ther­a­py pro­gram to en­ter No­var­tis’ pipeline has flunked its first Phase III test for ven­ti­la­tor-de­pen­dent Covid-19 pa­tients with mod­er­ate to se­vere acute res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­tress syn­drome.

Mesoblast, the Aus­tralian biotech that No­var­tis inked a $1.2 bil­lion-plus deal with just a month ago, re­port­ed that the da­ta safe­ty mon­i­tor­ing board rec­om­mend­ed they stop en­rolling new pa­tients and just wrap the tri­al pre­ma­ture­ly. The ther­a­py would have need­ed to re­duce 30-day mor­tal­i­ty by 43% on top of max­i­mal care to meet the pri­ma­ry end­point; af­ter re­view­ing da­ta on 180 pa­tients, the DSMB con­clud­ed it was un­like­ly to hit that mark.

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