No­var­tis' Xo­lair suc­ces­sor hit by an­oth­er PhI­II axe, but food al­ler­gy study con­tin­ues

Once thought to be a near shoe-in suc­ces­sor to Xo­lair, No­var­tis’ bi­o­log­ic lige­lizum­ab hit an­oth­er road­block, with an ad­di­tion­al Phase III scrapped, the Swiss Big Phar­ma con­firmed to End­points News.

Af­ter lige­lizum­ab failed to beat Xo­lair in two Phase III tri­als in the fall of 2021, No­var­tis is back with an­oth­er late-stage wind-down. The drug de­vel­op­er ter­mi­nat­ed the 39-pa­tient study PEARL-PRO­VOKE, which in­ves­ti­gat­ed the an­ti­body in pa­tients with chron­ic in­ducible ur­ticaria (CIn­dU), an in­flam­ma­to­ry skin con­di­tion in which itchy welts and/or swelling goes on for more than six weeks.

Endpoints News

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