Evan Loh, Paratek CEO

No­vo Hold­ings, Gur­net Point Cap­i­tal en­gi­neer $462M take-pri­vate deal for an­tibi­otics play­er Paratek

No­vo Hold­ings has long in­vest­ed in com­pa­nies de­vel­op­ing an­tibi­otics. Now, it wants to take the next step: own part of a biotech that al­ready has an an­tibi­ot­ic on the mar­ket.

The Dan­ish play­er — which holds No­vo Nordisk — is join­ing hands with Gur­net Point Cap­i­tal to ac­quire Paratek and take it pri­vate in a deal val­ued at about $462 mil­lion.

“With this in­vest­ment, we ex­pand our com­mit­ment to tack­ling an­timi­cro­bial re­sis­tance, from sup­port­ing nov­el ear­ly-stage de­vel­op­ment with our RE­PAIR Im­pact Fund, late-stage de­vel­op­ment with our AMR Ac­tion Fund in­vest­ment, and now com­mer­cial­iza­tion with Paratek,” said Aleks En­gel, part­ner at No­vo Hold­ings, in a state­ment.

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