David Berry, Valo Health CEO

No­vo signs up for near­ly a dozen car­diometa­bol­ic pro­grams out of Va­lo Health

No­vo Nordisk will broad­en its car­diometa­bol­ic pipeline by pair­ing up with ma­chine learn­ing and drug dis­cov­ery start­up Va­lo Health in a deal that builds on the Dan­ish phar­ma’s stature in the grow­ing field.

In ex­change for $60 mil­lion up­front and in near-term pay­ments, No­vo will get its hands on three car­dio­vas­cu­lar as­sets cre­at­ed by Va­lo’s com­pu­ta­tion­al work, the com­pa­nies said Mon­day morn­ing.

Near­ly $2.7 bil­lion in mile­stone pay­ments are on the line for up to eight more pro­grams in the deal with Boston-based Va­lo, and it will pay for R&D work and could dole out roy­al­ties, should any pro­grams make it to mar­ket.

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