Marc Dunoyer (AstraZeneca via YouTube)

On the back of PhI­II suc­cess, As­traZeneca lays out the red car­pet for rare dis­ease drug Alex­ion paid $855M for

When Lud­wig Hantson gam­bled $855 mil­lion to buy out Wil­son Ther­a­peu­tics back in 2018, the CEO framed it as the first step of re­build­ing the pipeline at Alex­ion and branch­ing out be­yond the com­ple­ment fran­chise an­chored by Soliris and Ul­tomiris.

Three and a half years lat­er, it ap­pears to be pay­ing off — for what is now As­traZeneca’s rare dis­ease unit fol­low­ing a $39 bil­lion buy­out. It’s a win that comes just days af­ter As­traZeneca con­ced­ed a set­back in an­oth­er Phase III pro­gram test­ing Ul­tomiris, the next-gen long-act­ing C5 drug, against ALS.

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