No­var­tis chief Vas Narasimhan wants you to know about the '25-plus’ block­busters he has in the pipeline

Vas Narasimhan has been CEO at No­var­tis for just a lit­tle more than a year since his pro­mo­tion from de­vel­op­ment chief. And in to­day’s in­vestor meet­ing, af­ter spin­ning off Al­con and putting the wheels in mo­tion to do a makeover at the suf­fer­ing gener­ics wing San­doz, the spot­light is be­ing turned straight at his prized pos­ses­sion: the pipeline.

He has a lot to boast about. But let’s start with the “25-plus” po­ten­tial block­busters in the clin­ic, along with 10-plus launch­es by 2021.

Many of these drugs are no stranger to the cen­ter ring, but there are some new ad­di­tions to the line­up.

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