No­var­tis part­ner Oph­thotech says wet-AMD drug Fo­vista goes 0-for-3 in PhI­II

Oph­thotech’s lead drug is now a three-time los­er in Phase III.

The biotech $OPHT had al­ready large­ly writ­ten off the an­ti-PDGF Fo­vista af­ter it failed the first two piv­otal tri­als late last year, which trig­gered a com­pa­ny-wide re­or­ga­ni­za­tion and deep job cuts. But in case any­one was hold­ing out hope that the drug might still show some signs of ef­fi­ca­cy, the biotech re­port­ed that their drug com­bined with ei­ther Eylea or Avastin bare­ly edged out ei­ther of the two stan­dard an­ti-VEG­Fs alone in treat­ing wet, age-re­lat­ed mac­u­lar de­gen­er­a­tion.

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