Pfiz­er ex­pects few­er peo­ple need­ed for Ly­me dis­ease vac­cine tri­al

Pfiz­er said it ex­pects few­er peo­ple will be need­ed to com­plete its Phase III tri­al of Val­ne­va’s Ly­me dis­ease vac­cine can­di­date than orig­i­nal­ly thought.

The so-called VAL­OR study will en­roll about 9,000 peo­ple aged five or old­er to gath­er ef­fi­ca­cy, a Pfiz­er spokesper­son said in an emailed state­ment. Fierce Biotech re­port­ed Tues­day that Pfiz­er vac­cine R&D chief An­naliesa An­der­son said en­roll­ment would be “much less” than the orig­i­nal 18,000-per­son es­ti­mate.

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