Marcio Souza, Praxis president and CEO

Prax­is rais­es $110 mil­lion to tar­get CNS dis­ease with Phase II drugs

Just two months af­ter burst­ing on­to the neu­ro­science scene, Prax­is Pre­ci­sion Med­i­cines has added $110 mil­lion in fund­ing to pur­sue ther­a­pies for cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem dis­or­ders.

Prax­is came out of stealth mode in May af­ter bank­ing $100 mil­lion in fund­ing and putting two drugs in Phase II de­vel­op­ment. While Big Phar­ma has strayed away from neu­ro­science, Prax­is set out to iden­ti­fy mu­ta­tions that cause epilep­sy in pa­tients who did not in­her­it the dis­ease. The com­pa­ny is now ap­ply­ing its dis­cov­er­ies to po­ten­tial treat­ments for oth­er CNS dis­eases, such as de­pres­sion, epilep­sy, move­ment dis­or­ders and pain syn­dromes. It has three drugs in the clin­i­cal pipeline.

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