Pre­emp­tive sham­ing as­sault on No­var­tis’ CAR-T pi­o­neer un­der­scores a dis­con­nect on R&D costs

It’s no se­cret that tax­pay­ers fund a lot of the ba­sic sci­ence work done in the US. But should that ear­ly re­search sup­port for new drugs trans­late in­to low­er prices?

A group called Pa­tients for Af­ford­able Drugs thinks so, launch­ing a pre­emp­tive strike against No­var­tis’ CAR-T drug CTL019— now up for an ap­proval — de­mand­ing fair pric­ing in light of the $200 mil­lion-plus that was used to back the trans­la­tion­al work on CAR-T in gen­er­al. There’s no break­down on what slice of that helped No­var­tis.

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