Prometheus up­sizes IPO by 33% ahead of pric­ing; Hu­mani­gen se­cures loan of up to $80M to de­vel­op lenzilum­ab

Ed­i­tor’s note: In­ter­est­ed in fol­low­ing bio­phar­ma’s fast-paced IPO mar­ket? You can book­mark our IPO Track­er here.

Af­ter ini­tial­ly pen­cil­ing in a $125 mil­lion IPO, Prometheus is up­siz­ing that goal a cou­ple dozen mil­lion high­er.

The San Diego-based biotech is now es­ti­mat­ing a $167 mil­lion raise from their ex­pect­ed jump to Nas­daq, ac­cord­ing to Re­nais­sance Cap­i­tal, a 33% in­crease from when they first filed their S-1. Prometheus had set its terms ear­li­er this week, but now plans to of­fer 9 mil­lion shares in­stead of 7.4 mil­lion in the $18 to $19 range.

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