Nathaniel Wang, Replicate Bioscience CEO and co-founder

San Diego biotech starts clin­i­cal study of self-repli­cat­ing RNA vac­cine for ra­bies

Repli­cate Bio­science, a biotech start­up de­sign­ing next-gen­er­a­tion mR­NA vac­cines to trig­ger stronger and longer-last­ing im­mune re­spons­es, has be­gun its first clin­i­cal study, the San Diego com­pa­ny an­nounced Tues­day.

The tri­al, which comes two years af­ter the com­pa­ny launched with $40 mil­lion, is like­ly the first among clin­i­cal ef­forts put forth by a crop of new mR­NA star­tups that emerged dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. These com­pa­nies were found­ed on the be­lief that new and im­proved forms of RNA tech­nolo­gies will be need­ed to make the tech­nol­o­gy work for con­di­tions be­yond Covid-19.

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