Roche pulls an­oth­er ma­jor piece out of the wob­bly Alzheimer's jen­ga, shut­ter­ing crenezum­ab PhI­I­Is

When AC Im­mune an­nounced two years ago that its part­ners at Genen­tech is launch­ing a sec­ond Phase III for its Alzheimer’s drug, CEO An­drew Pfeifer tout­ed crenezum­ab as a “dis­tinct” hope amid dis­ap­point­ing re­sults of oth­er an­ti-amy­loid be­ta ther­a­pies, giv­en at high­er dos­es and tar­get­ing ear­li­er stages of the dis­ease.

To­day crenezum­ab has be­come a big dis­ap­point­ment it­self — mark­ing an­oth­er promi­nent fail­ure in a frus­tra­tion-prone field.

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