Sanofi antes up $55M to add pro­tein degra­da­tion tech to the R&D play­book as ex­ecs look to re­vive the pipeline

Sanofi is tak­ing a page out of Gilead’s BD strat­e­gy book, beat­ing a path to a San Fran­cis­co-based biotech that’s be­gun to build a rep in pro­tein degra­da­tion work.

Six months af­ter Gilead jumped aboard Nurix Ther­a­peu­tic’s plat­form with a col­lab­o­ra­tion tick­et that cost $45 mil­lion up­front and up to $2.5 bil­lion in mile­stones, the French phar­ma gi­ant fol­lowed up with its own deal to do the same.

As we first re­port­ed Wednes­day, Sanofi was drawn in by the Third Rock start­up’s can­cer drug plat­form, which us­es E3 lig­as­es to in­duce degra­da­tion of spe­cif­ic drug tar­gets — a pop­u­lar field in on­col­o­gy.

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