“The 1 Pledge” campaign features singer-songwriter Usher as part of Sanofi's spokespeople, along with Peloton cycling instructor Robin Arzón and sports journalist Adam Schefter. (Credit: Sanofi's The 1 Pledge website)

Sanofi en­lists Ush­er, Robin Arzón, Adam Schefter to type 1 di­a­betes ear­ly screen­ing cause

Sanofi is kick­ing off Na­tion­al Di­a­betes Month with a star-stud­ded ed­u­ca­tion­al cam­paign urg­ing fam­i­lies to test ear­ly for type 1 di­a­betes.

“The 1 Pledge” cam­paign fea­tures singer-song­writer Ush­er, star Pelo­ton cy­cling in­struc­tor Robin Arzón and sports jour­nal­ist Adam Schefter, who get per­son­al about how di­a­betes has af­fect­ed them­selves and their fam­i­lies. Screen­ing for type 1 di­a­betes be­fore the on­set of symp­toms makes time for “im­por­tant ed­u­ca­tion, prepa­ra­tion and coach­ing,” Sanofi said in a news re­lease on Wednes­day.

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