Sanofi’s lat­est R&D re­mod­el­ing spot­lights what’s hot (bis­pecifics) and what’s not (CT­LA-4) in on­col­o­gy to­day

Sanofi’s pipeline re­mod­el­ing pro­gram has claimed a piv­otal com­bo ap­proach to lung can­cer along with a score of oth­er ter­mi­na­tions in Q4. And the moves un­der­score what’s hot — and not — in the on­col­o­gy field.

Out­lin­ing the moves in their quar­ter­ly sit-down with an­a­lysts, Sanofi hit the kill switch on 13 de­vel­op­ment pro­grams and 25 re­search projects. But the R&D group al­so hit the gas on 17 pro­grams, about half of which are in on­col­o­gy.

New R&D chief John Reed is press­ing a strat­e­gy es­tab­lished by Elias Zer­houni, which in­volves more of an in-house fo­cus, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the wake of the re­cent Abl­ynx and Biover­a­tiv buy­outs, which added new re­search ca­pa­bil­i­ties and drugs to the pipeline.

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