Phil Krause

Scoop: One of Phil Krause’s post-FDA gigs, a biotech try­ing to de­vel­op a Shin­grix com­peti­tor, goes up for sale

A small Ne­bras­ka biotech that was at­tempt­ing to de­vel­op a next-gen­er­a­tion shin­gles vac­cine, in a bid to im­prove up­on Glax­o­SmithK­line’s Shin­grix, is up for sale and let go of most em­ploy­ees in mid-Feb­ru­ary, End­points News has learned.

Ad­ju­vance Tech­nolo­gies — which re­cruit­ed for­mer FDA deputy vac­cines di­rec­tor Phil Krause as a con­sul­tant in Jan­u­ary — is “seek­ing a strate­gic merg­er or sale,” Pres­i­dent Melis­sa Mal­hame con­firmed to End­points in an email. Mal­hame de­clined to pro­vide fur­ther com­ment.

Endpoints News

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