Seagen touts PhII da­ta for Ad­cetris/Op­di­vo com­bo; A-Al­pha part­ners with Gilead on HIV

Seagen has re­vealed the da­ta from Part C of a Phase II tri­al eval­u­at­ing Ad­cetris in com­bi­na­tion with Op­di­vo (nivolum­ab), a PD-1 in­hibitor, as well as oth­er chemother­a­py drugs, for a front­line treat­ment for Hodgkin lym­phoma.

Da­ta from 150 pa­tients showed a 95% over­all re­sponse rate and a 93% com­plete re­sponse rate once treat­ment was com­plete. The da­ta for pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival were not avail­able yet. There were no ma­jor ad­verse events, with the most com­mon treat­ment-re­lat­ed side ef­fects be­ing fa­tigue, nau­sea and pe­riph­er­al sen­so­ry neu­ropa­thy.

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