SEC backs Sino­vac's case against ac­tivist in­vestor who tried to take over; Blue­bird pen­cils in $400M raise

→ An ac­tivist in­vestor in Sino­vac — one of the Chi­nese biotechs lead­ing the race to de­vel­op a Covid-19 vac­cine — has been charged by the SEC for cook­ing up a se­cret plan to take con­trol of the com­pa­ny with­out dis­clos­ing his own­ings. Ji­aqiang “Chi­ang” Li and his firm, 1Globe Cap­i­tal, agreed to pay civ­il penal­ties to­tal­ing $290,000 with­out ad­mit­ting or deny­ing the SEC’s find­ings. Sino­vac and Li have been en­tan­gled in law­suits since 2018, which is still on­go­ing in An­tigua and Bar­bu­da.

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