SEC sub­poe­naes Bio­Marin in dris­apersen probe; Job hunt­ing? The FDA has hun­dreds of open po­si­tions

Bio­Marin $BM­RN has more headaches to con­tend with on its Duchenne mus­cu­lar dy­s­tro­phy drug dris­apersen. The com­pa­ny says in its new­ly post­ed quar­ter­ly re­port with the SEC that it is co­op­er­at­ing with an SEC in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to the drug, which was re­ject­ed by the FDA and the EMA. Bio­Marin has been re­think­ing its de­ci­sion to bury the drug, pon­der­ing an ap­peal of the FDA’s po­si­tion. Its state­ment on the SEC: In Au­gust 2016, we re­ceived a sub­poe­na from the staff of the SEC re­quest­ing that we pro­duce doc­u­ments in con­nec­tion with a non-pub­lic, fact-find­ing in­quiry re­lat­ed to our for­mer dris­apersen pro­gram. The let­ter en­clos­ing the sub­poe­na states that the in­ves­ti­ga­tion and the sub­poe­na do not mean that the Com­pa­ny or any­one else has bro­ken the law, or that the SEC has a neg­a­tive opin­ion of any per­son, en­ti­ty or se­cu­ri­ty. We in­tend to co­op­er­ate ful­ly with the SEC in this mat­ter. We are not able to pre­dict whether any pro­ceed­ing may be in­sti­tut­ed in con­nec­tion with the sub­poe­na, or the out­come of any pro­ceed­ing that may be in­sti­tut­ed.

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