Mike Cloonan, Sionna Therapeutics CEO

Sion­na rais­es $182M for cys­tic fi­bro­sis drugs dif­fer­ent from Ver­tex's ap­proach

Sion­na Ther­a­peu­tics has raised $182 mil­lion in a Se­ries C to test its small mol­e­cules for cys­tic fi­bro­sis by tar­get­ing the mu­tat­ed re­gion of the pro­tein at the root of the dis­ease, un­like Ver­tex Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, the drug­mak­er that pi­o­neered med­i­cines for the field.

The over­sub­scribed round was led by Ena­vate Sci­ences, part of the Pa­tient Square Cap­i­tal port­fo­lio, the Boston-based biotech said Wednes­day morn­ing. The in­vestor has al­so backed Sam Wak­sal’s ROCK2 biotech Gravi­ton Bio­science and TYK2 start­up Su­do Bio­sciences in re­cent months.

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